Friday, October 25, 2013

Sounding the sea: a study in bathymetric mapping

1. How can ocean floor features be measured and mapped using current acoustical technology? How can ocean floor maps be used in the commercial, military, and/or private sector?  
Ocean floor features can be measured by using sonar. They send waves to the ocean floor and see how long it takes them to bounce and come back. 

2. define the following:
a. abyssal plains: plains on the deep ocean floor that lie between the foot of a continental rise and a mid-ocean ridges
b. underwater sea-mountAn underwater mountain rising from the ocean floor and having a peaked or flat-topped summit below the surface of the sea
c. mid-ocean ridge: an underwater mountain range formed by plate tectonics
d. trench: long, narrow topographic depressions of the ocean that are the deepest parts of the ocean 

3. Responses to the analysis questions:
Our ocean floor was somewhat simple, but it did have some neat physical features. There were some slopes in the seafloor to show that there were deep trenches. In some places on the ocean floor, there were rougher areas than others. With remote sensing technology, we have the advantage of detecting and classifying objects with things such as satellites. The advantage of using vertical exaggeration lets us figure out and classify objects on the seafloor with ease. 

4.What is the importance of ocean floor maps? What kinds of thing might make up the sea floor?

5. The importance of this assignment was to get a better understanding of mapping the ocean floor. This gives scientists a better idea of what the ocean floor looks like based on what is there. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Dance of the Continents

Although I already knew a lot prior to this topic, there is a variety of interesting things that I did learn from this activity.  One thing I already knew was that the earth had mainly one large continent. I also knew that it broke up into many pieces and they drifted apart (and still do). What I never thought about is the fact that the landmasses spread across the ocean floor. As far as the theory of tectonic plates goes, I did know that the tectonic plats existed and that they are parts of continents and islands. I also knew that their type of boundary is determined by their motion.  What I did not know about this theory is that there are six major plates on earth and that they also consist of the ocean floor. Another thing that I did not know about this theory is the fact that the plates are a part of what is called the lithosphere. Sea floor spreading is something I am completely new to. I did not know that magma rises between the plates in what is called the global rift. I also find it interesting how when the magma cools, it forces the plates to expand and the continents move.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Oceanography Fiield Trip

Out of the many field trips I've taken, this is one of the most interesting ones I have taken. I learned many things during this experience that I never realized before. For example, I learned how to pin-point my location using a map when im in the ocean. This was very helpful and interesting to learn about for if or when I ever am in this situation. I also learned about how imporatnt plankton are to the ocean and humans. They are the reason that we have around two thirds of our oxygen. They are also at the bottom of the food chain in the ocean and are essential for many sea mammals. I also learned some interesting things about the beach. I found it really neat how the sand changes its color when its closer or further from the ocean. The closer the sand is to the ocean, the smaller the grain is and its color is different. As far as animals go, I learned something really neat about lobsters. You can tell the male and female apart because the males have bigger claws but they have smaller tails. The females can carry thousands of egs on their stomachs. Overall, this field trip was a fascintaing experience as fas as expanding my learning about the ocean.